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  In Memory Of 


Dr. Jim Maloy,  passed away suddenly on February 10th, 2007. He was born in Samson, Alabama on July 2, 1942. As a child he moved with his family to Enterprise, Alabama where he graduated from Enterprise High School in 1960. Jim received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Pharmacy from Auburn University in 1965 and his Doctor of Pharmacy in 1985.

Dr. Maloy was associated with Drug Research and Analysis Corporation for over 20 years and was a Principal member of our research team, serving as Executive Vice President and Principal Investigator for numerous research trials. He was a Charter Certified Clinical Investigator by D.I.A. and a Certified  Trial Investigator by A.C.R.P. His untimely death has left a major void in the lives of all who knew him.



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